Fronds is a large specialist Fern Nursery specialising in New Zealand Ferns - tree ferns and ground ferns.

Suppliers of New Zealand ferns - tree ferns, ground ferns, larger grade Specimen trees, Shrubs and Citrus Trees...



If you're looking for New Zealand Ferns, you've come to the right place!! Fronds is a large specialist Fern Nursery specialising in New Zealand Ferns - tree ferns and ground ferns. We also have a considerable range of exotic ferns as well.

Plus we offer a range of large grade Specimen trees and Shrubs - see under Products for these. In particular Magnolias, Flowering Cherry trees and Maples.

Whether you want a few small ferns to fill a corner of your Garden, or a 3m high specimen Tree Fern for that landscaping feature, we can help you. Ask for Darren or Craig.

Our tree lines are growing in variety and size - call in and see (if near Cambridge) what we have if you are wanting that good look to your garden and instant effect! We are always happy to assist and advise on plantings.

Also check our extensive range of larger grade CITRUS - view our Citrus product selection if you are looking for a Citrus tree that is already with fruit on or one which will very shortly to be producing. Citrus are all in 25ltre bags please note and are usually only sold after 18 months growing on so plants are a good size when sold and will have fruit on them.

Check out the information and photos in the Products section, and feel free to contact us if you would like any further information.

Plant list is in alphabetical order - select "Products" which will give you all our range in alphabetical order. If you are looking for just ground ferns as an example then once in Products page select the "Category" box and select "Ground ferns"  then scroll through to one you want to view. If its Citrus trees you want then select "Citrus" and it will only show our Citrus trees.



After a relatively "normal for the Waikato" 2024, summer has so far has been quite hot and dry! The ferns have enjoyed the warm and wet spring and the larger ones are now increasingly available as their roots reestablish after being retrieved from the pine forests. Believe it or not summer is quite a busy time for ferns as people escape the heat from indoors by finding cool places in the garden.....the precise place for ferns to thrive! As long as your ferns are well watered frequently after planting and are not exposed to long periods of strong sunshine, they will grow fine when planted at this time of year.

The new season citrus is also coming ready with Lemons and Limes in particular. Mandarins are a little slower to grow but will be ready from autumn onwards. Having said that, we do have a few ready just ask and we can confirm.



Monday - Friday 

8.30am - 5.00pm

Closed Statutory Holidays

Ph 07 823 0472



Latest News

Re-locating a tree fern We sometimes get asked the question "we have a tree fern (not sure what variety) and we want to relocate it from its present position - can we do that and will it regrow?"
Notes on Tree Ferns To many people one tree fern looks just the same as any other and we are often asked for a "ponga" and the requester expresses surprise that there is more than one variety!!!